This code (Links to an external site.)is from the same repo that we were following. Your assignment is to remove all the legacy stuff from this and submit:
1) Last 5 Training EPOCH logs
2) Sample translation for 10 example
3) Link to your repo
1) Training Logs
Epoch: 1, Train loss: 4.030, Train PPL: 56.288 | Val loss: 3.069, Val. PPL: 21.520 | Epoch time = 27.051s
Epoch: 2, Train loss: 2.668, Train PPL: 14.404 | Val loss: 2.444, Val. PPL: 11.518 | Epoch time = 26.960s
Epoch: 3, Train loss: 2.090, Train PPL: 8.088 | Val loss: 2.184, Val. PPL: 8.885 | Epoch time = 26.827s
Epoch: 4, Train loss: 1.721, Train PPL: 5.590 | Val loss: 2.073, Val. PPL: 7.945 | Epoch time = 27.087s
Epoch: 5, Train loss: 1.448, Train PPL: 4.255 | Val loss: 2.052, Val. PPL: 7.786 | Epoch time = 27.070s
Epoch: 6, Train loss: 1.234, Train PPL: 3.436 | Val loss: 2.027, Val. PPL: 7.592 | Epoch time = 27.012s
Epoch: 7, Train loss: 1.057, Train PPL: 2.879 | Val loss: 2.064, Val. PPL: 7.874 | Epoch time = 27.237s
Epoch: 8, Train loss: 0.912, Train PPL: 2.489 | Val loss: 2.109, Val. PPL: 8.243 | Epoch time = 26.991s
Epoch: 9, Train loss: 0.797, Train PPL: 2.218 | Val loss: 2.150, Val. PPL: 8.582 | Epoch time = 27.050s
Epoch: 10, Train loss: 0.706, Train PPL: 2.026 | Val loss: 2.205, Val. PPL: 9.070 | Epoch time = 26.841s
2) Sample Translations from French to English.
French to English Translations:-
1) French Sentence: Ein Mann mit einem orangefarbenen Hut, der etwas anstarrt.
Target English Sentence: A man in an orange hat starring at something.
Predicted English Sentence: A man in an orange hat , with a handheld mane brush .
2) French Sentence: Ein Boston Terrier läuft über saftig-grünes Gras vor einem weißen Zaun.
Target English Sentence: A Boston Terrier is running on lush green grass in front of a white fence.
Predicted English Sentence: A Boston Boston jockey walks over grass in front of a white fence .
3) French Sentence: Ein Mädchen in einem Karateanzug bricht einen Stock mit einem Tritt.
Target English Sentence: A girl in karate uniform breaking a stick with a front kick.
Predicted English Sentence: A girl in a karate uniform is learning a stick with a zebra mate , and roll .
4) French Sentence: Fünf Leute in Winterjacken und mit Helmen stehen im Schnee mit Schneemobilen im Hintergrund.
Target English Sentence: Five people wearing winter jackets and helmets stand in the snow, with snowmobiles in the background.
Predicted English Sentence: Five people in winter jackets and helmets stand in the snow with bamboo poles in the background .
5) French Sentence: Leute Reparieren das Dach eines Hauses.
Target English Sentence: People are fixing the roof of a house.
Predicted English Sentence: People trail out the roof of a house .
6) French Sentence: Ein hell gekleideter Mann fotografiert eine Gruppe von Männern in dunklen Anzügen und mit Hüten, die um eine Frau in einem trägerlosen Kleid herum stehen.
Target English Sentence: A man in light colored clothing photographs a group of men wearing dark suits and hats standing around a woman dressed in a strapless gown.
Predicted English Sentence: A man in bright suits take a picture of men in a dark suits and hats stand around a woman in a zebra dress .
7) French Sentence: Eine Gruppe von Menschen steht vor einem Iglu.
Target English Sentence: A group of people standing in front of an igloo.
Predicted English Sentence: A group of people are in front of an igloo .
8) French Sentence: Ein Junge in einem roten Trikot versucht, die Home Base zu erreichen, während der Catcher im blauen Trikot versucht, ihn zu fangen.
Target English Sentence: A boy in a red uniform is attempting to avoid getting out at home plate, while the catcher in the blue uniform is attempting to catch him.
Predicted English Sentence: A boy in a red uniform tries to home plate while the catcher in a blue uniform tries to get the call .
9) French Sentence: Ein Typ arbeitet an einem Gebäude.
Target English Sentence: A guy works on a building.
Predicted English Sentence: A guy working on a building while riding .
10) French Sentence: Ein Mann in einer Weste sitzt auf einem Stuhl und hält Magazine.
Target English Sentence: A man in a vest is sitting in a chair and holding magazines.
Predicted English Sentence: A man in a vest sits on a stool and holds up magazines .
French to English Translation with Attention Maps
French to English Translations:- **************
1) French Sentence: Ein Mann mit einem orangefarbenen Hut, der etwas anstarrt.
Target English Sentence: A man in an orange hat starring at something.
Predicted English Sentence: A man in an orange hat , with a handheld mane brush . Attention Map:
2) French Sentence: Ein Boston Terrier läuft über saftig-grünes Gras vor einem weißen Zaun.
Target English Sentence: A Boston Terrier is running on lush green grass in front of a white fence.
Predicted English Sentence: A Boston Boston jockey walks over grass in front of a white fence . Attention Map:
3) French Sentence: Ein Mädchen in einem Karateanzug bricht einen Stock mit einem Tritt.
Target English Sentence: A girl in karate uniform breaking a stick with a front kick.
Predicted English Sentence: A girl in a karate uniform is learning a stick with a zebra mate , and roll . Attention Map:
4) French Sentence: Fünf Leute in Winterjacken und mit Helmen stehen im Schnee mit Schneemobilen im Hintergrund.
Target English Sentence: Five people wearing winter jackets and helmets stand in the snow, with snowmobiles in the background.
Predicted English Sentence: Five people in winter jackets and helmets stand in the snow with bamboo poles in the background . Attention Map:
5) French Sentence: Leute Reparieren das Dach eines Hauses.
Target English Sentence: People are fixing the roof of a house.
Predicted English Sentence: People trail out the roof of a house . Attention Map: