Neural Network Training in Excel
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Major Steps in NN Training
Suppose we have the below network:
1) Initialization of Neural Network
Randomly initializing weights [w1,….,w8] and Learning Rate lr.
2) For each iteration, below steps are performed:
A) Forward Propagation
For the above network, output will be calculated using the below formulae:
h1 = w1*i1 + w2*i2
h2 = w3*i1 + w4*i2
a_h1 = σ(h1) = 1/(1+exp(-h1))
a_h2 = σ(h2) = 1/(1+exp(-h2))
o1 = w5*a_h1 + w6*a_h2
o2 = w7*a_h1 + w8*a_h2
a_o1 = σ(o1) = 1/(1+exp(-o1))
a_o2 = σ(o2) = 1/(1+exp(-o2))
B) Backpropagation
I) Using the generated output and target, error is calculated.
For above network, L2 error is calculated as shown below:
E1 = ½*(t1-a_o1)²
E2 = ½*(t2-a_o2)²
E_total = E1 + E2
II) Each of the weight in the network is updated as follows:
i) Error gradient with respect to the specific weight(∂Error/∂wi) is calculated. Negative error indicates the direction in which the error can be minimized by updatig the specific weight.
Example:- For w5
∂E_total/∂w5 = ∂(E1+E2)/∂w5 = ∂E1/∂w5 = ∂E1/∂a_o1 * ∂a_o1/∂o1 * ∂o1/∂w5
∂E1/∂a_o1 = -1*(t1-a_o1) = a_o1-t1
∂a_o1/∂o1 = ∂(σ(o1))/∂o1 = σ(o1)*(1-σ(o1)) = a_o1*(1-a_o1)
∂o1/∂w5 = a_h1
Thus, it becomes
∂E_total/∂w5 = (a_o1-t1) * a_o1*(1-a_o1) * a_h1
ii) Weight is updated using:
wij+1 = wij - ɳ * ∂Error/∂wij
where i is the weight index,
j is the iteration number
For above network, below are the error gradients with respect to weights calculated using chain formula.