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Course work related to END2 Program by The School of AI

Session 4 - RNN are dead, and their renewed relevance


1) Refer to the file we wrote in the class: Rewrite this code, but this time remove RNN and add LSTM.

2) Refer to this file.

1) The questions this time are already mentioned in the file. Take as much time as you want (but less than 7 days), to solve the file. Once you are done, then write your solutions in the quiz. 2) Please note that the Session 4 Assignment Solution will time out after 15 minutes, as you just have to copy-paste your answers.


1) Solution for LSTM Rewrite of RNN:

Google Colab GitHub
END2_Session4_AssignmentSolution1.ipynb END2_Session4_AssignmentSolution1.ipynb
Improved: END2_Session4_AssignmentSolution1_Improvements.ipynb Improved: END2_Session4_AssignmentSolution1_Improvements.ipynb

2) Solution for LSTM Questions:

Google Colab GitHub
END2_Session4_AssignmentSolution2.ipynb END2_Session4_AssignmentSolution2.ipynb

Quiz Question 1: What is the value of sigmoid(0) calculated from your code? (Answer up to 1 decimal point, e.g. 4.2 and NOT 4.29999999, no rounding off).

Ans 1: 0.5

Quiz Question 2: What is the value of dsigmoid(sigmoid(0)) calculated from your code?? (Answer up to 2 decimal point, e.g. 4.29 and NOT 4.29999999, no rounding off).

Ans 2: 0.25

Quiz Question 3: What is the value of tanh(dsigmoid(sigmoid(0))) calculated from your code?? (Answer up to 5 decimal point, e.g. 4.29999 and NOT 4.29999999, no rounding off).

Ans 3: 0.24491

**Quiz Question 4: ** What is the value of dtanh(tanh(dsigmoid(sigmoid(0)))) calculated from your code?? (Answer up to 5 decimal point, e.g. 4.29999 and NOT 4.29999999, no rounding off).

Ans 4: 0.94001

**Quiz Question 5: ** In the class definition below, what should be size_a, size_b, and size_c? ONLY use the variables defined above.


size_a = Hidden_Layer_size

size_b = z_size

size_c = X_size

**Quiz Question 6: ** What is the output of ‘print(len(forward(np.zeros((X_size, 1)), np.zeros((Hidden_Layer_size, 1)), np.zeros((Hidden_Layer_size, 1)), parameters)))’?

Ans: 9

**Quiz Question 7: ** Assuming you have fixed the forward function, run this command: z, f, i, C_bar, C, o, h, v, y = forward(np.zeros((X_size, 1)), np.zeros((Hidden_Layer_size, 1)), np.zeros((Hidden_Layer_size, 1)))

Now, find these values:

1) print(z.shape)

2) print(np.sum(z))

3) print(np.sum(f))


1) (85, 1)

2) 3.0

3) 5.0

Quiz Question 7: Run the above code for 50000 iterations making sure that you have 100 hidden layers and time_steps is 40. What is the loss value you’re seeing?


After running once for 50000 iterations: loss 5.822303

After running twice for 50000 iterations: loss 1.940444