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Course work related to END2 Program by The School of AI

Session 6: Encoder-Decoder


1) Take the last code (+tweet dataset) and convert that in such a war that:

1)encoder: an RNN/LSTM layer takes the words in a sentence one by one and finally converts them into a single vector. VERY IMPORTANT TO MAKE THIS SINGLE VECTOR

2) this single vector is then sent to another RNN/LSTM that also takes the last prediction as its second input. Then we take the final vector from this Cell and send this final vector to a Linear Layer and make the final prediction.

3) This is how it will look:

1) embedding

2) word from a sentence +last hidden vector -> encoder -> single vector

3) single vector + last hidden vector -> decoder -> single vector

4) single vector -> FC layer -> Prediction

2) Your code will be checked for plagiarism, and if we find that you have copied from the internet, then -100%.

3) The code needs to look as simple as possible, the focus is on making encoder/decoder classes and how to link objects together

4) Getting good accuracy is NOT the target, but must achieve at least 45% or more

5) Once the model is trained, take one sentence, “print the outputs” of the encoder for each step and “print the outputs” for each step of the decoder. ← THIS IS THE ACTUAL ASSIGNMENT




Model Building

Link to Code in GitHub

Link to colab code


class EncoderLSTM(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, vocab_size, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, n_layers=1):
    self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
    self.n_layers = n_layers
    # embedding layer
    self.embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_dim)

    # lstm layer
    self.lstm = nn.LSTM(embedding_dim, 
    self.enc_context = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, output_dim)
  def initHidden(self, batch_size, device):
    return (torch.zeros(1, batch_size, self.hidden_dim, device=device), torch.zeros(1, batch_size, self.hidden_dim, device=device))

  def forward(self, text, enc_hidden, visualize=False, verbose=False):
    # hidden, cell = enc_hidden
    embedded = self.embedding(text)
    lstm_output, (hidden, cell) = self.lstm(embedded, enc_hidden)
    output = self.enc_context(hidden.squeeze(0))
    if verbose:
      print('inside encoder:-')
      print(f'shape of text input to encoder: {text.shape}')
      print(f'shape of Embedding layer output: {embedded.shape}')
      print(f'shape of lstm layer output: {hidden.shape}')
      print(f'shape of fc layer output: {output.shape}')
      print(f'shape of encoder output: {output.shape}')

    if visualize:
      enc_op =[0],lstm_output),dim=1)[0].detach().cpu().numpy()
      fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,10)) 
      sns.heatmap(enc_op, fmt=".2f", vmin=-1, vmax=1, annot=True, cmap="YlGnBu", ax=ax)
      plt.title('Hidden State in each time step of Encoder', fontsize = 20) # title with fontsize 20
      plt.xlabel('Hidden state', fontsize = 15) # x-axis label with fontsize 15
      plt.ylabel('Time Step', fontsize = 15) # y-axis label with fontsize 15

      enc_op = output.detach().cpu().numpy()
      fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,4)) 
      sns.heatmap(enc_op, fmt=".2f", vmin=-1, vmax=1, annot=True, cmap="YlGnBu", ax=ax, annot_kws={"size": 20})
      plt.title('Encoded Representation from Encoder', fontsize = 20) # title with fontsize 20

    return output, (hidden, cell)


class DecoderLSTM(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, enc_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, n_layers=1):

    # lstm layer
    self.lstm = nn.LSTMCell(enc_dim, 
                        # num_layers=n_layers,
                        # batch_first=True)
    self.decoded_op = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, output_dim)
  def forward(self, enc_context, enc_hidden, dec_steps=2, visualize=False, verbose=False):
    dec_input = enc_context.unsqueeze(1)
    hidden, cell = enc_hidden
    hidden = hidden.squeeze(0)
    cell = cell.squeeze(0)
    dec_outputs = []
    for i in range(dec_steps):
      hidden, cell = self.lstm(enc_context, (hidden, cell))
    dec_output = torch.stack(dec_outputs, dim=1)
    output = self.decoded_op(hidden)

    if verbose:
      print('inside decoder:-')
      print(f'shape of output from encoder which goes as input to decoder: {enc_context.shape}')
      print(f'shape of lstm layer output: {hidden.shape}')
      print(f'shape of fc layer output: {output.shape}')
      print(f'shape of decoder output: {output.shape}')

    if visualize:
      enc_op = dec_output[0].detach().cpu().numpy()
      fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(50,4)) 
      sns.heatmap(enc_op, fmt=".2f", vmin=-1, vmax=1, annot=True, cmap="YlGnBu", ax=ax, annot_kws={"size": 20})
      plt.title('Hidden State in each time step of Decoder', fontsize = 20) # title with fontsize 20
      plt.xlabel('Hidden State', fontsize = 15) # x-axis label with fontsize 15
      plt.ylabel('Time Step', fontsize = 15) # y-axis label with fontsize 15

      enc_op = output.detach().cpu().numpy()
      fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,4)) 
      sns.heatmap(enc_op, fmt=".2f", vmin=-1, vmax=1, annot=True, cmap="YlGnBu", ax=ax, annot_kws={"size": 20})
      plt.title('Decoded Representation from Decoder', fontsize = 20) # title with fontsize 20
    return output


class LSTMEncoderDecoderClassifier(nn.Module):
    # Define all the layers used in model
    def __init__(self, device, vocab_size, embedding_dim, hidden_enc_dim, hidden_dec_dim, context_dim, output_dim, n_classes, n_enc_layers=1, n_dec_layers=1):
        # Constructor
        self.device = device

        # encoder layer
        self.encoder = EncoderLSTM(vocab_size, embedding_dim, hidden_enc_dim, context_dim, n_enc_layers)

        # decoder layer
        self.decoder = DecoderLSTM(context_dim, hidden_dec_dim, output_dim, n_dec_layers)

        # output layer
        self.linear_output = nn.Linear(output_dim, n_classes)

    def forward(self, text, dec_steps=2, visualize=False, verbose=False): #, text_lengths):
        # text = [batch size,sent_length]
        enc_h = self.encoder.initHidden(text.shape[0], self.device)
        encoded_context, encoded_hidden = self.encoder(text, enc_h, visualize, verbose)#, text_lengths)
        decoded = self.decoder(encoded_context, encoded_hidden, dec_steps, visualize, verbose)
        prediction = self.linear_output(decoded)

        if verbose:
          print(f'shape of final output: {prediction.shape}')

        if visualize:
          enc_op = prediction.detach().cpu().numpy()
          fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,4)) 
          sns.heatmap(enc_op, fmt=".2f", vmin=-1, vmax=1, annot=True, cmap="YlGnBu", ax=ax)#.set(title=f"Encoded Representation from Encoder")
          plt.title('Final Prediction', fontsize = 20) # title with fontsize 20

        return prediction

Model Architecture

Training and Testing


Train and Test Accuracy/Loss

Train vs Test Accuracy

Train vs Test Loss


Confusion Matrix

Evaluation Metrics Result

F1 Macro Score: 0.5041695303550974

Accuracy: 79.02439024390245 %

Model Visualization on sample result

**Sample Sentence**: Obama has called the GOP budget social Darwinism. Nice try, but they believe in social creationism.

**Target Label**: 1

**Predicted Label**: 1

10 Correctly Classified Images

***** Correctly Classified Text: *******
1) Text: Obama has called the GOP budget social Darwinism. Nice try, but they believe in social creationism.
   Target Sentiment: Positive
   Predicted Sentiment: Positive

2) Text: In his teen years, Obama has been known to use marijuana and cocaine.
   Target Sentiment: Negative
   Predicted Sentiment: Negative

3) Text: RT @Professor_Why: #WhatsRomneyHiding - his connection to supporters of Critical Race Theory.... Oh wait, that was Obama, not Romney...
   Target Sentiment: Negative
   Predicted Sentiment: Negative

4) Text: RT @wardollarshome: Obama has approved more targeted assassinations than any modern US prez; READ & RT:
   Target Sentiment: Positive
   Predicted Sentiment: Positive

5) Text: Video shows federal officials joking about cost of lavish conference #obama #crime #p2 #news #tcot #teaparty
   Target Sentiment: Negative
   Predicted Sentiment: Negative

6) Text: one Chicago kid who says "Obama is my man" tells Jesse Watters that the gun violence in Chicago is like "World War 17"
   Target Sentiment: Negative
   Predicted Sentiment: Negative

7) Text: RT @ohgirlphrase: American kid "You're from the UK? Ohhh cool, So do you have tea with the Queen?". British kid: "Do you like, go to Mcdonalds with Obama?
   Target Sentiment: Negative
   Predicted Sentiment: Negative

8) Text: President Obama < Lindsay Lohan RUMORS beginning cross shape lights on ST < 1987 Analyst64 DC bicycle courier < Video changes to scramble.
   Target Sentiment: Negative
   Predicted Sentiment: Negative

9) Text: Obama's Gender Advantage Extends to the States - 2012 Decoded: New detail on recent swing state polling further ...
   Target Sentiment: Positive
   Predicted Sentiment: Positive

10) Text: Here's How Obama and the Democrats Will Win in 2012: Let's start by going back to the assorted polls questioning...
   Target Sentiment: Positive
   Predicted Sentiment: Positive

10 Incorrectly Classified Images

***** Incorrectly Classified Text: *****
1) Text: IPA Congratulates President Barack Obama for Leadership Regarding JOBS Act: WASHINGTON, Apr 05, 2012 (BUSINESS W...
   Target Sentiment: Negative
   Predicted Sentiment: Positive

2) Text: A valid explanation for why Obama won't let women on the golf course.   #WhatsRomneyHiding
   Target Sentiment: Positive
   Predicted Sentiment: Negative

3) Text: #WhatsRomneyHiding? Obama's dignity and sense of humor? #p2 #tcot
   Target Sentiment: Neutral
   Predicted Sentiment: Negative

4) Text: RealClearPolitics - Obama's Organizational Advantage on Full ...: As a small but electorally significant state t...
   Target Sentiment: Neutral
   Predicted Sentiment: Positive

5) Text: of course..I blame HAARP, sinners, aliens, Bush and Obama for all this.  :P....>>
   Target Sentiment: Negative
   Predicted Sentiment: Positive

6) Text: RT @wilycyotee Pres. Obama's ongoing support of women is another reason I am so proud he is my President!  @edshow #Obama2012
   Target Sentiment: Neutral
   Predicted Sentiment: Negative

7) Text: If Obama win 2012 Election wait til 2016 he will have full white hair! just like Bill clinton!
   Target Sentiment: Neutral
   Predicted Sentiment: Negative

8) Text: Even CBS won't buy bogus WH explanation of Obama Supreme Court comments - at #withnewt #tpn #tcot #tlot #tpp #sgp
   Target Sentiment: Positive
   Predicted Sentiment: Negative

9) Text: RT @BunkerBlast: RT @teacherspets Obama's Budget: 'Interest Payments Will Exceed Defense Budget' in 2019
   Target Sentiment: Neutral
   Predicted Sentiment: Positive

10) Text: Barack Obama President Ronald Reagan's Initial Actions Project: President Ronald Reagan was also facing an econo...
   Target Sentiment: Negative
   Predicted Sentiment: Positive